The Colorful Way

I thank God for my gifts and for helping me choose the right path.   I ask my Angels to guide me as I write.  I hold the intent all of you will let your true colors take the lead and choose the right path for yourself.

I’m not sure how this one is going to flow.  I have the messages but it seems like there are multiple topics tied into the message so I will just write and see where the Angels take it.  I had some decisions to make last weekend. Making decisions is always challenging for me because I look at things from so many angles and I always do the “what if” non sense too.  “What if”  is the same as “no faith”.  It comes from fear so that will always tell you the ego is taking the lead and not your heart.  I spent a lot of time talking to my Angels and I asked for signs because I was feeling frustrated.  I was allowing fear to enter and I was getting myself stressed out.  I was mainly stressing about the walk but this lead to me questioning the Angels about why they are guiding me to do the things they tell me to do.  For the last few years I have been guided to publish books which has cost me thousands of dollars, expose myself as a medium and deal with messages I’d rather not know, write blogs that have pretty much forced me to tell my private life and now they are guiding me to organize a walk even though I have no experience and very little time to do it.  So I asked my Angels “What is going on?”.  I felt I needed to meditate on Sunday night and when I did I kept hearing ” all you need to do is believe” and “you are doing a great job thank you”.  When I was finished meditating I thought about those words and I realized I already know how the Power of Believing works and I already know I’m on the right path in my life so all I need to do at this point is to make the decision to stay on that path.  For me, if I were to choose the path of giving up the blog writing and canceling the walk I already know I won’t be happy.  If I choose to look at my books as an expensive hobby rather than a chance to use them to serve their purpose I will not be happy.  If I block the messages I really know I will not be happy because they will just drive me crazy.  So once again it was decision time for me and I chose to keep going as I have always done in the past.  Even though I feel somewhat like a puppet on a string that really has no idea why they are making me do these things I know in my heart they have their reasons.  Those reasons are for my best too.  I’m looking at if from the angle of this is how I’m living out my true colors.  This is who I am and even though I have not figured myself out totally they already know who I am and they know my potential so they just force me to do the things I can’t see in myself yet.

So I guess I will call this one Living Your True Colors.  So here is the deal about every human being on this planet.  We all have a colorful heart and soul.  However, some get a little lost in the darkness and only show what they want others to see.  This means they let fear take the lead on their path through life and they never let their colors shine.  Most of the time it’s because they don’t believe in themselves.  You are your worst enemy in this life because you are the only one who decides on which path to take.  Not one person in this world can force you to do anything you don’t want to do.  If you live thinking my life is like this because of …  think again because the choice is always yours on how you deal with everything in your life.  The choice is yours on how you wish to think, act and speak.  Once you make that decision then you will draw in exactly what you wished for yourself.  Just like me I can sit and question the Angels on why they are doing this to me but really I’m the one choosing to stress and they are telling just to believe and it will all make sense to me one day.  So my decision is to go on living out my true colors and be the positive person I wish to be. However, if you choose to live with the fear and negativity then you will just draw in that life for yourself.    Showing your true colors does not mean you need to be the perfect human either.  It’s actually the opposite its  living out who you are flaws and all.  It’s showing you have struggles in life just like everyone else.  It’s showing everyone how you deal with your struggles and how you continue on in life.  Your true colors are what inspire others to keep fighting their challenges because when they know there is someone else who understands it makes them feel better.  I’ve been blessed with the gift of understanding life for what it really is meaning I understand why there are tragedies and challenges for people. I’ve been blessed with a life of a loving family, nice home and great career.  Some people have even commented to me saying your life always seemed so good so how is it that you struggle.  I struggle because in this life I’ve been gifted with something people don’t understand.  There are no two people alike in this world so even though there are other mediums they don’t have the same experiences as me.  There are times I feel very alone in this world and that is why I communicate with Angels.  They are the only ones who truly get me.  I have many people who support me as a medium but they can’t ever fully understand me because they don’t deal with what I deal with.  However, I continue to choose to live out my true colors because I know that is the right path to take.  It challenges me but that is what life does and if you stay on the right path then you will be happy.  That’s why I chose to keep going with the blogs since I know the Angels are using me as an example so others can get inspired and feel like someone understands their struggles.  Does my ego like it?  Not at all but my heart knows it’s the right thing to do and when I function with my heart then I live happy.  So if you have struggles in life of any kind then just try your best to be yourself.  You may not be aware of who you truly are yet but just be the person you are right now and then as you allow your colors to shine through you will start to find your correct path.  You will draw in what you really wish for yourself in this life.  The life that makes you the happiest.  Once you find happiness then it’s easy to figure out what your next steps need to be.  A beautiful life is created by using the colors you have inside once you let them out then nothing can keep them from shining.  Allow them to show you the way.

The card is Prosperity “your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality” – message is the answers are always right in front of you so if you choose to listen then everything else will be provided by God.  Trust me this is very true.

Always Believe…


I thank God for my gifts and for giving me the strength I need to keep going.  I ask my Angels to guide me as I write.  I hold the intent all of you will get motivated and move along with your purpose in life.

The energy is crazy right now but it is also slow and this will challenge all of us to push a little more so we can function properly.  Mercury is in retrograde for the next few weeks and this means everything slows down.  It causes things to break and our own energy will be lower which tends to make us feel very frustrated with life.  It’s a time to release any negative thought patterns so we can learn to live with a more positive attitude.  This is so important for your personal growth because negative thoughts hold you back from fulfilling your mission in life.

Tonight is about Getting Motivated.  I’ve been thinking about writing a blog but I’m not feeling the rush of energy I usually get so I’m forcing myself to write this one.  For the last few days I’ve been thinking about how much I still have to do for the walk in Nov and I’m trying my hardest so I don’t stress.  I know from past experiences if I just relax then everything works out on its own and I also look back and see my stress was a waste of time.  I saw a plate last year and it happened to be on a day when I allowed some stress into my life.  When we were driving the car in front of us had a plate with HV HOPE.  I took this as a sign then and the vision of the plate keeps coming into my mind for the last few days too.  I’m going to listen to the sign and I’m going to continue to have hope that everything will workout.  Whenever you feel down the Angels will send you signs over and over again to remind you to trust and believe things will workout as it is meant to.   It’s up to you if you want to pay attention to those signs.  It’s your free will and your right to choose how you wish to live your life.  If I choose to keep my thoughts of worrying about the walk then I will get myself stressed and this will just draw in more stress in other areas of my life.  However, if I choose to BELIEVE I will be given all of the help I need then I know this will draw in the people who are meant to be part of the walk.  It’s always mind over matter and faith is always your safety net.  So BELIEVING is the first step to getting yourself motivated to do the work.  The next would be WRITE IT DOWN- make a list of the things you wish to conquer.  I know I’m obsessed with lists but it just helps you stay focused and it is easier to eliminate stress.  Nothing is better than crossing things off of a to do list and feeling like you accomplished something.  Then you will need to DO the WORK- this is where I’m struggling with the walk because I’m feeling like I don’t have the time right now to do what I should be doing.  Sometimes when you can’t find the time it is because it’s not the right time.  There is divine timing for everything so if you are meant to be somewhere your soul will make sure you get there even if your conscious mind is unaware of it.  These are the times when something makes you get up and make a phone call or send an email.  Times when you make a last-minute decision to go somewhere and you end up meeting the perfect person who gives you the guidance you need.  However, sometimes if you should be doing something and you are avoiding it because of your own insecurities this is the time when you will not feel at peace.  Remember I told you happiness is a sign you are moving in the right direction and peace will always bring happiness too.  Peace is only found by listening to your heart.  The ego is what will feed your insecurities and the ego is based on fear.  So if you feel you need to be doing something but you can’t get yourself motivated to do it then just quiet your mind and fill it with positive thoughts.  It will lift your energy and then the Angels can get their guidance to you.  We can make our own decisions but we are always given guidance so never feel like you are alone in this world.  Always ask for anything you need even if it’s just some energy to get up and go that day.  We are all dealing with difficult lives and we all need support to keep going.  That’s why we have Angels and all we need to do is ask for help and the signs will come.  Remember they need your permission to intervene with your life because they respect that we have free will to do what we want.  Finally you will need to have HOPE- never give up because a matter of one minute could change your life forever.  Hope gives you something to look forward to and it’s a knowing that one day it will all be ok.  Hope is a spiritual vitamin that needs to be part of your life everyday.  It fills you with faith and it restores your heart so you can function peacefully.  Hope proves that a few bad days, months or years does not mean tomorrow can’t be better.  It’s what pushes you to keep fighting and it promises you better days ahead.  So when life feels overwhelming and you feel like giving up then hv hope so you can reach the day that you are able to look back and understand how HOPE never let you down..

Here are the cards Heathly Lifestyle- “eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep and exercise for optimal health- I know it’s hard but when you do this it does make a positive difference in your life- you need your mind, body and spirit to be on the same page if you wish to function at your best.  The next is All is Well- “everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to with hidden blessings you will soon understand kinda fits the blog too- we never know the whole picture to our life but the Angels always to and that’s why they will always send you the proper guidance so they can lead us to a path where we will find the most joy.- Trust it and you will not go wrong.

Always Believe…

Why Me

I thank God for my gifts. I ask my Angels to guide as I write so this message will be helpful.  I hold the intent all of you will learn to deal with drastic change with a more positive attitude.

I dedicate this one to Mr Jeepers lol.  This should also be helpful for everyone else too.  I was trying to push this one off until tomorrow but the Angels keep pushing and if I don’t listen then they really make my energy go crazy.  Just got back from Sesame too and I bought Aydin a taffy and it was 222- so keep the faith everyone.

So tonight is about Dealing with Drastic Changes.  I’m not going to be too specific about my experience because it will not be easily understood.  I will say I was hit with a major life change a couple of years ago and it is my main reason why I have most of the knowledge about understanding the purpose of life.  This change has tested my soul on every level.  It forces me to deal with my past, present and future.  Because of this I pretty much need to work on myself every single day or I would be living a life of pure hell.  On most days I have no idea how my emotions will be.  I could be fine all day and than by night my mood changes and my energy lowers.  I could be fine one minute and than the next I feel off.    Once my energy lowers then I need to evaluate each thought I have and try to understand why I’m thinking that way.  Sometimes I do try to block it out or even run from it and wish it away but whenever I do that the Angels just use another avenue to get to me and they force me to deal with anything I’m trying to block out.  It’s kinda like the awakening process I talk about but it is a little more intense because there is no way around it and it never leaves.  For sometime I kept this all in and did not tell anyone about it but now I share my experience with a chosen few that understand it.  I’m trying to stick to my “I” so I invite people into my life so I can eliminate what needs to go emotionally.  Since I had my session with my healer I have had some really good conversations with Ron about what I’m dealing with.  He amazes me every time I share my spiritual stuff with him because he is so understanding even though he does not have the same experiences as me.  This is a huge help for me because I have always been open with Ron but this particular experience made me feel uncomfortable because I feared his reaction to it.  I have to give him credit because he accepts everything I share with him and does not judge it at all.  It’s like that is his purpose with me and it’s really crazy too.  So for me when I have my days of my life is spinning out of control I really try to find the blessings in this whole experience.  There have been many days that I felt this was a curse but I understand now it is a blessing.  If I did not have this experience then I would not be the person I am today.  I would never have healed myself as much as I have and I would not be as spiritual as I am now.  When the psychic told me I would go through 4 years of self development those years were the ones prior to the blog writing.  If I did not have this experience then these blogs could not be written so I know it helped me move along with my service too.  Now that I healed most of my issues from this life I will need to go on to heal my issues from past lives.  So this experience just keeps pushing me to continue to heal myself so I can reach the point of peace and eliminate all of the unnecessary baggage I have kept with me.  It’s impossible for me to fight it, block it , deny it so I can only accept it and follow my guidance as to what I need to do next.  It has helped me strengthen my intuitive side and I’m able to counsel a few others who deal with a similar experience too.  This is part of my service too.  So it really is a blessing because it forces me to break my ego down completely and function only with my heart.  This is not always easy to do but when I have some bad days I just spend extra time trying to heal myself and then I go back to being positive again.  When I counsel the other people I just guide them and explain what the true purpose of it is and then they decide how they want to deal with it.  If they are ready to function from the heart then they will but if the ego gets in the way then in time the Angels will wear them down enough so they learn to function only from the heart.  In the end they will always strive to be at peace and the heart is the only way to get there.  So this could be for any life altering change that comes into your life unexpectedly.  At first it’s hard to function properly when your world has been turned upside down but if you dig a little bit you will find it is a blessing.  It’s a blessing because it forces you to do things you feared doing before or never knew you could do before.  It forces you to strive for peace which means you will need to learn to live by your heart and not your ego.  It may challenge you in every way but that is how you get stronger.  Most of the time major things happen and it will place you in the area you are meant to do your service.  We all have a purpose and we are all meant to do a service so pay attention to the cards you have been dealt and if you can find something positive to do with them then you will find your service.  Ex if you have a link to an illness then most likely your are meant to do a service involving that cause, if you dealt with any type of abuse physical, substance then this may be the area you are meant to help others with, if you have been given a lot of money then you may be meant to help the poor.  There are so many opportunities to reach out and do your service for the world but if you bury yourself in “Why me” all the time you lose out and then you live without joy.  Just listen to your heart and you will know what your true passion is and once you get to work it all falls into place.  So the next time you ask “Why Me?”  Tell yourself …because this is not the end of me, it’s just the beginning of who I’m about to become.  And that is someone who can accomplish anything they want.

Here are the cards- Chakra Clearing jumped out of the deck so they are reminding you to do this-  It really works too.  the next is Outdoors- always get outside so you can clear your energy and release stress.

Always Believe…

Picture Proof

I thank God for my gifts and I pray people will believe once they read this blog.  I ask my Angels to guide me as I write and I thank them for their comfort.  I hold the intent all of you will find peace and will heal from your loss.

Was not planning on writing but this one keeps coming to me and I’m sensing someone really needs to hear it so they will be able to accept that their loved ones are at peace. I picked a card to see if this one needs to go out now and I got Creative writing so I must listen.  This blog is #50- I would have never thought I could write one blog and now I  have written 50-  never underestimate what you are capable of doing.  You have more power than you think you do.  Just today I was thinking about all that I have been hit with, what I need to face and what may come in my future and I narrowed it down to two outcomes. Since I’m going to keep fighting I will either 1- succeed and be at peace or 2- I will die trying and I will be at peace so either way there is peace in my future.  Trying to remember the P.   Never give up, I have a lot on my plate right now but that’s what God had planned for me so I must keep going.    I’ve been seeing so many Angel faces today so I know they are around me giving me the strength I need.  There is 222- keep the faith!

This one is about Proof of the Spirit World.  I don’t think I ever wrote about the picture that gave me proof of the spirit world so I will tell the full story tonight.  This picture is what made me believe that there is life after death.  I told you about my Uncle who passed and when I went to visit him for the last time he gave me a Christmas present for Aydin(it was Aydin’s 1st Christams too).  He died on Dec 1st so he was not around for Christmas.  He bought Aydin a radio flyer rocking horse.  Ron put it together but it was my rule that Aydin was not allowed on it until Christmas Day.  My Uncle always waited until Christmas day to open his gifts so I wanted to honor his rule.  So when Christmas Day arrived we gave Aydin his gift and we took some pictures and video of him on the horse.  A few weeks  later I was looking at the prints and I noticed something blue and round in the one photo.  I assumed it was one of Aydin’s toys but a few days later I realized the toy I thought it was was another color.  Then my friend replied to an email I sent that had the picture attached to it and I noticed the blue circle had a smily face in it and it was floating in the middle of the room.  I knew about orbs at this point but I did not know they could be different colors.  I looked on the internet to see if orbs can be blue and the first site that showed up said “blue orb and James is in the middle” my Uncle’s name is James.  I thought that was weird so I figured maybe it’s a sign.  However, I studied this picture for weeks because something kept drawing me back to it.  One night I was looking at it and Ron came into the room and all of a sudden I saw my Uncle’s full body standing in the picture.  He looked younger but it was definitely him.  I even showed it to Ron and he said he could see his face.  so I studied the picture some more and I was able to see so much.  My Uncle always had  aGerman Sheppard and all 4 of them were sitting next to him in this picture.  I noticed a few I guess I will call them people standing with him too but they did not look human so I’m thinking it is true that there are other forms of life that we have not discovered yet.  As I was able to see these things I started to check other pictures that were taken from that day.  The photos showed many deceased relatives standing and sitting in my basement.  I’ve shown some people these pics and they were able to see it too.  The one photo showed Ron’s Aunt who had cerebral palsy and was wheelchair bound her entire life but in the photo she was standing and holding a baby, we could see her long dress and earrings too- I think someone lost a baby in the family too.  Ron’s grandfather was hanging out in Aydin’s excersaucer which I’m told fits his personality, my grandparents were sitting in a chair and they were with some people I did not recognize but were definitely Madrigale’s(my maiden name).  My Aunt(my mom’s sister) was standing in front of the tv and I think she was with my other Grandmother too.  The photos were so fascinating because it was solid proof of the after life.  I was so happy to see the animals too because now I know they stay with us.  The spirits are energy just like us but their bodies will not show up in a photo like we do.  The one picture looked like they all had their hands attached to a bright ball of light and I assume this is how they were able to show up so clearly in the photos.  I still have the printed pics but I don’t have the computer I saved them on anymore so I can’t view it as well but seeing my Uncle and all of my relatives in the photo really helped me deal with my loss.  I would always look at his picture whenever I missed him and I knew he was still with me.  I don’t know how I would have dealt with my loss  if  I  did not have the proof.  Losing my Uncle was very difficult for me because we were really close.  I was close with my Gram too but she was in her 80’s when she died and you kinda expect it to happen someday.  My Uncle was only 59 and he was diagnosed with prostate cancer at 57.  He did not tell anybody about it for a while and until my Dad told me a few months before he died I had no idea.  I still have a hard time especially when I’m down the shore since this is where I have so many memories with him.  He always owned a jeep so whenever I see a Jeep with “Life is Good” I know it’s him sending me a sign.  He even saved me from an accident once because when I got into my car one day I heard a voice tell me “don’t take Bristol Rd” and I thought I was imagining it  so I said if I’m not meant to be on this road then show me a red jeep.  I turned onto Bristol Rd and within a minute I saw  a red jeep turn onto Bristol road heading in the same direction I was going.  And I turned onto another road lol. I can’t stress enough how comforting it is to believe in the after life.  They try so hard to send you signs but if you bury yourself in sadness you can’t hear or see them correctly.  Sadness is part of the healing process but when you can accept you will see them again it just makes the process so much easier.  No matter what age someone is when they die or how they died they are still at peace and it was meant to be their time.  It’s very hard for humans to understand this but it’s so important to accept it.  For your sake and theirs.  Sometimes they will hang around you longer because they are trying to give you their healing energy but they are also meant to go onto to do other things in the spirit world too.  They will be around you the most during the first two years once they pass and they are always around for holidays, birthdays and events.  Check your photos because chances are you will see an orb or maybe even see a face too.  Just open your mind up to believing there is life after death and you will automatically invite them in and the signs will come.  I pray you find peace and I ask your Angels and loved ones to surround you with their love so you can heal.

Here is the card- Chakra Clearing- “Call upon Archangel Metatron to clear and open your chakras”- i still need to write about the chakras but they are your main energy points and when you have hurt or blocked emotions your chakras are off balance and then you struggle mentally and physically.  Say a prayer to your Angels and ask for comfort and they will help you.  I did this today and about 20 mins later I felt really peaceful.

Always Believe…

Piece It Together

I thank God for my gifts and for the extra strength so I can face what I need to heal.  I ask my Angels to guide me as I write so this message will be understood.  I hold the intent all of you will be able to recognize your weak points and learn to change them for the better.

My healing session has helped me so much this week and I highly recommend the book The Emotion Code by Dr Bradley Nelson.  I’m still reading the book so I will write about it once I’m finished.  I have learned quite a bit just from the first half.  It’s a self help book and it will tell you how to use your own body to detect trapped emotions.  We all have them so trust me when I tell you they are in there and they are holding you back from your true self.  In this blog I’m going to talk about my 8 traumas in life that have kept me off balance.  I’m not sure if I will write about all of them because I’m not feeling comfortable enough to mention a few.  Who knows because if the Angels want it out they will force it out of me anyway.

So tonight is about Healing Your Broken Parts.  The Soul retrieval session I had last week was a healing by the means of channeling.  Kathleen does this by asking permission so she can be channeled the info about my life and then can use this info as a baseline for my future healing sessions.  She did not know many things about me prior to my session.  All she knew was what I told her and that was just about my issue with accepting my abilities and having the confidence within myself so I can continue to use my abilities to do my service.  So what happened was I meditated and at the same time she had her arm against my arm and then she was seeing my traumas in life with her mind. Very hard to explain but it worked.   When we were done she told me everything she saw and then I was able to explain what went on with each experience she saw.  Except for the first one because that was when I was in the womb.    So basically what happens when you have experiences that damage your soul then there is an open wound and then the energy from that experience stays with you.  This could be the energy of the other people involved too or the environment it took place.  For me since there were 8 different times it explains why I am so sensitive to energy around me because I have a lot of different energies attached to me so if I’m around people who are vibrating at the same level then I will attract more of their energy.  This can be positive and negative energy.  So the first trauma was in the womb.  She told me when I was in the womb there was another baby with me but the baby was only with me so my journey back here would be smoother than coming back on my own.  It is traumatic for all humans to return here since Earth is a lower dimension.  Since the baby had my mother’s energy attached to it this means I now have my mother’s energy attached to me.  She said this also set me up for having a fear of loss and abandonment since I kept the pain of the split from the other baby.  I’m pretty sure those might have been challenges I wanted to overcome in this life too.  So since I have my Mother’s energy attached to me that means I have all of her fears too.  I’m very close with my Mom but we can be so similar that we have our battles at times too.  So now I know why.  Yikes lol.  The next one she saw was a split as a young child- My parents divorced when I was 6 so I’m sure this means there were problems for a couple of years prior too.  I don’t remember much of the divorce but I guess being in that situation I absorbed some of the negative energy.  I don’t feel the divorce messed me up as a person but I did always want to have a normal, happy, family life and I do try to create that for my children now.  I guess my session will reveal anything I don’t remember.  The next one was School- well girls are bitches and I definitely have had my share of dealing with bitches so I would say I can understand how this has caused injury to my soul.  Then she saw me in school but older and there was an accident and I injured my neck.  I was in an accident in my senior year and I injured my shoulder.  I now have herniated discs in my neck from that accident.  She explained whenever there is a head or neck injury it is an opening for empathy.  So this is my point of entry for the emotions of others.  So that explains my agony of the 7 weeks of shoulder pain I recently dealt with and if I’m around someone with negative energy I will always get tension in this area too.  I’m curious to see how I heal this one.  I’m going to leave the next one out but I’m working on it so the session did help me.  The next one after that was my Wedding- I never dealt with so much BS in my life as I did when I planned my wedding.  Ron and I were dealing with a lot just with his ex and her family at the time and throw wedding plans into the mix and you get a little crazy.  I almost called my wedding off not because I did not want to marry Ron but because I was so pissed off at everyone else and I was so overwhelmed with the negative energy.  Things happened pretty fast for Ron and I and I freaked out at one point.  I will never forget his face when I mentioned postponing the wedding for a few years.  Obviously the wedding went on and we are still happily married but I can totally see how the wedding damaged my soul because certain people caused a lot of problems for me during that time.  The next one I find to be very interesting because she said I died at one point in this life.  She told me how she saw me in a hospital and my soul left my body-  I told you before about what happened after I delivered Aydin and apparently I did have an out-of-body experience.  I knew I was dying and I felt at peace so never fear death because you will be very peaceful during the process.  However, since I left my body this opened me up to absorb the energy from my surroundings.  Just great because not only was I in a hospital but I was in the labor and delivery room.  WTF-it’s a wonder that I even function at all in my life with all of these extra energies.  The last one has to do with my grandparents  -we did not talk too much about this one but I kinda think this is where I will learn why I fight my abilities because I just wrote about how I struggled with guilt about turning away from religion because of my Grandmother’s wishes. We will see as I explore all of these traumas and learn more about my past lives with the people who are connected to these traumas.  I will also be meeting my teachers and guides so this should help me balance my earthly life with the spirit world too.  Kathleen did tell me she does not understand how I’m able to manage the spirit world now being that I have small children and work etc.  Clearly I’m struggling but it’s nice to know that someone who is an experienced healer realizes I have good reasons for my struggles.  Just talking to her was so healing for me because she understands most of the things I experience.  I sobbed when I was telling her how I know the birds and animals talk to me and she kept smiling and telling me how they do bring messages.  She reassured me that all I need is training so I’m able to manage the spirit world.  I’m looking forward to my future sessions because I’m ready to release all of the unnecessary energy and to get the proper training so I can move along on my spiritual journey.  So I created an acronym for all of us to follow for the times when we feel we are losing pieces of ourselves and we want to be balanced again. PIECES-

P-Positivity- draw it in because when you do that you will lift your energy up

I-Invite-  allow people into your life so they can help you work through your pain

E- Evolve- allow your heart to take the lead so your soul can grow into your true self

C- Cry-  this is how you heal and release unwanted negative emotions-  everybody is capable of crying so it’s been given to you as a way to heal

E- Experience- don’t let fear hold you back from new experiences because this is how life goes on and you learn lessons

S- Smile- give yourself credit for your inner strength.  It takes a lot of strength to get through life so as long as you keep moving forward you will just get stronger.

I love me a little cheat sheet to simplify my life so this one will be with me at all times.  I hope it helps you just the same.

Here is the card- Nurture- “As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child at the same time.”- I feel this one tonight means find the inner child within yourself so you can learn to laugh , cry, play, and explore so you can find the real you that may be hiding behind the pain.

Always Believe…