
I thank God for my gifts and for always answering my prayers. I ask my Angels to guide me as I write so I can send a clear message to those who need to read this one. I hold the intent that all of you will learn how powerful you can be and will allow your soul to guide your life.

Jeez, I really have no idea where to start because I have not written in so long. I needed a break so I took one. The world is a lot different from when I wrote the last blog back in April 2020. I got a little selfish and pulled away from social media for bit because I craved a private life away from the negativity and fakeness. However, for a few months now I’ve been feeling the nudge to return. I tried to talk myself out of it but I know when I continue to do that and I’m not doing what I should be then my soul will make me feel a bit uncomfortable within. Usually that means I’ll feel less energetic, my thoughts get a little annoying, I start to lose passion for things I once had a ton of passion about, I get stuck in the same old same old, my body hurts and I eat way too many cookies lol. So as always my nudges and signs come in strong until I decide to listen. Then everything starts to fall into place and in time I feel myself again.

This one covers a few topics so hopefully some if not all of it speaks to you. Do any of us REALLY know what tomorrow will bring? Nope. Do any of us REALLY have life figured out? Nope. Do any of us REALLY have a life free of frustration and fear? Nope. Does our world like to pretend that some people have it all and just float through life like they just arrived at Disney World? Yep!! Does that mean we should fall into the trap and get distracted? Nope. Do we have the power to create our own unique world? Yep. Is it possible to create your own world and still interact in the world outside of you? Absolutely. If you can master how to do this then your everyday life will be a lot brighter. Your journey will be a lot smoother and life will be very rewarding.

I always like to remind everyone that it has taken me years to become the person I am today. It has taken me tremendous amount of inner healing work to accept my flaws, release my emotional baggage( Lord knows I can be emotional lol), understand my intuitive side- learn to trust it, learn how to use it, learn to be ok when info I receive is not pleasant, learn to trust no matter what happens in my life I will survive and sometimes the what seems to be a “bad” thing pretty much proves in time to be a “necessary” thing. I share this so my readers understand I don’t write to be a know it all or a dictator. I write to share my story and my experiences as a “how to guide” or a “she did it so maybe I can too.” The self -help knowledge I’ve gained along my journey is priceless to me. I use it daily, even when I feel content within I’m still keeping myself in check and focused on gratitude for all that my life has been. EVERYTHING about life offers you a chance to learn about yourself, a chance to decide do you want that piece of your journey to stay with you always or do you want to accept its purpose and let the rest go. Some things are meant to stay forever but some things are meant to go after the lesson has been learned.

So how to you go about living in your own world? You ask yourself what do you want? If you had the chance to view yourself from the outside who is that person you wish to be? What vibe do you give off? Are you confident? Are you attractive? Are you kind and generous? Are you happy? Are you humble?

It’s ok not to be confident all the time. Life is scary and we don’t know everything so it is natural to lack confidence sometimes. If you’re ok with that then your world will not shake but if you allow the opinion of others make you feel less confident then your world could slowly crumble. There is a saying…You’re not here to be understood, you’re here to understand yourself. Always choose to be yourself🙂

Attractiveness could mean so many different things. It’s not just looks, it’s personality, it’s being approachable. Try not to get caught up in the outer world’s idea of beauty being skin deep. That’s not the only way to be attractive.

Kind and generous for me are necessities in my world. Kindness has a way of balancing your inner and outer world too. It’s a way to balance out the giving and receiving since you are able to look for ways and listen to the nudges to give back for any blessings you have received. Even the littlest of blessings count and should be paid forward.

Happiness- this can be viewed in many ways. Some may think it means everyday is a holiday and life is meant to be peachy and perfect to be happy. Some know it means contentment, understanding life has twists and turns, gains and loss, ups and downs but at the end of the day you still can say you’re “happy”. There are plenty of times in life it brings unhappiness but when you “check in” with yourself and realize 1) you’re going to be ok 2) it is a small bump not a sink hole 3) there is a lesson which may take time to understand 4) this won’t be the last “unhappy” moment in your life then you can process the experience rather than let it suck the life out of you. INNER WORK people- it takes INNER WORK to create YOUR OWN WORLD!!!! Please For the Love of God DO NOT look over at someone else’s life and compare yourself especially when you are going through tough times. Trust me they have their own junk going on too, it may just not be the same as yours. They are living in their world and you need to focus on living in your world.

Finally, Stay Humble!! I feel this is such an important part of growth in life. When you achieve true inner peace life brings many blessings. It is kind of as if you have the desire then the universe brings it to life. Sometimes instantly and sometimes in time but it definitely shows up. Pretty much effortlessly too. Just by having a thought, trusting it will happen and allowing the time for it to happen pass by. It’s pretty fascinating at times. However, it is important to allow yourself to receive the blessings but also stay a humble soul and understand your blessings are meant to be shared in some way.

Ex. The saying “Do Good Get Good”- when you do good things , good things come back. When you improve your world then you attract more. When your vibe sends off a positive, confident, generous, happy and humble wave then you will attract a lot of people and things. For me, as I have healed over the years I’ve attracted a lot of people looking for advice, people in need of emotional healing and sometimes just physical touch healing which is most likely the reason I was guided to become a massage therapist. Some are so grateful and speak as tho I’ve changed their life on a deep level. It’s heart warming and fulfilling but I know my purpose is to channel the energy/words they need and not take the credit as me and just me. I’m still a regular human being but at times I’m called to spread some healing energy. It’s part of what I’m given is meant to be shared with others. This is true for financial blessings as well, when life gives you a financial boost it is important to spread some to those who need it too. This is where generosity plays a part in your world. Not sure who but someone once said the wise words “Nobody ever went broke by giving”. When you are balanced within, your energetic flow is clear and all things will come to you. This includes financial flow as well as good health, positive relationships etc.

Now about the dark side of the world. Everything in life has a light and a dark. A positive and a negative. You can see the negative is growing in the world around you right now. It is hard to stay in the light some days. People are troubled in many ways right now. When you are trying your best to stay in your own world and keep the outer negativity out it can be challenging. I fell into the gap of I don’t want to be around it, I don’t care to help people because most have lost it all together and I detached and lived my own happy life. However, once again when you have something to offer others in need then its your purpose to give it out. For me, my purpose right now is not to help those who are in total darkness but I’m meant to help those who are trying to hold onto to the light. The ones who are letting the dark energy of this planet take you over. If you haven’t already you are going to run into people who are just downright nasty. In the stores, on the roads, on social media, pretty much everywhere.

In my life whenever I am faced with a negative situation or person I make it a habit to process the frustration so I can avoid carrying the unnecessary emotional baggage of it all. Sometimes this can take a while depending on who or what has me annoyed/upset. However, I’ve learned that I always have the control of bringing myself back to peace no matter what life throws my way. Once again, it takes TIME, it takes viewing things from many angles and it takes realizing somethings are not worth the energy.

When my spiritual journey started out years ago it left me feeling overwhelmed with confusion and curiosity. Life was so unsteady as though life as I once knew it was out of reach but the new way of life I was learning was so intriguing, scary, but I felt a deep sense of there is something I need to learn to understand. When I tell you I was seriously drowning I’m not exaggerating, I had some REALLY hard days. I had to learn how to function in two worlds. I had to keep it together in my outer world as a wife, mom, employee but I needed to take time to focus on my inner world so I could survive. I was about 32 yrs old when this all started and today just few months shy of 46 I wouldn’t change anything because TIME has shown me it is what I needed even though it was pretty much living in hell.

I always say “signs” are all around. Years ago on one of my bad days I decided to go to the park and I usually would sit on a certain bench but that day I decided to sit on a different one. When I sat down I noticed so many ravens circling in the the sky- they symbolize blessings to come. I sat there praying for guidance and strength. I turned my head and noticed a magazine that was left on the bench and when I turned it over it was a “TIME” magazine. I felt a few seconds of peace and knew the sign was telling me to give things time. Lately, I’ve been getting a few visions of that moment and it’s a reminder that you can’t force life to happen exactly the way you expect but you can learn to adjust and allow life to help you grow.

Life for all of us right now is presenting a test. Each of us are having our own unique experience but all of us are being offered the light path and the dark path. The world right now feels like most are choosing the dark path. I didn’t always believe that evil walked this planet with us but lately I’m sensing a lot of dark energy. Sadly, it feels like it is winning a lot people over too. Evil wants you to believe you are powerless. It wants you to fear, it wants you to feel trapped and it wants you to think things will never get better. That’s the dark path. The light path will guide you to figure out your purpose, your power and find your inner peace. The light path will help you discover your spiritual self. Without the spiritual self we tend to focus too much in the material world and lose sight of the lessons, the positive connections with others and the opportunities that are meant to take us to the next level. There is always that void that never seems to get filled because no matter how much spending, eating , drinking , drugs we do the sadness still exists. The light path will lead you to God. When you connect with God you light up your soul. You are no longer functioning with a tired mind and restless body. You function with your mind, body and soul. Evil becomes powerless- evil fears God and you learn life can be even better than you imagined. You learn to calm your mind, you learn to listen to your body and you learn to allow your soul to guide your actions.

Choosing God isn’t easy for everyone. Some shake their head and don’t care to give it a chance. Some say they understand and believe but their actions show differently. Some live with so much shame they tell themselves they are not worthy. Some have had it so tough in life that they feel angry towards God. In my personal opinion I feel religion has created separation from God. So many rules, so much arguing over who is right and who is going to hell. I think it is important to mention you don’t need a religion to find God. If you chose a religion later on during your journey then that’s where you belong but if you’re someone who doesn’t even know where to start then let God find you. My true spiritual journey didn’t start during my 12 years of Catholic school, it started on a late night of me feeling hopeless and depleted. It started with me thinking the words “I can’t do this on my own”. I didn’t ask for God to come to me but just by me giving up control an energy came into my soul and literally lifted me up off of the ground and I felt peace like I never felt before. There is never a negative feeling with God. There is no “fear” of what he will do. There is always a sense of peace and never ending support. There are challenges but with those come the strength to handle them too.

My blogs usually preach positivity but this one I hope teaches survival. As much as I would love to spread a happy message I feel this one is a blunt reality check that the world is a scary place right now. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and pray hard for those who can’t see the light. Those of us who are walking the light path know its necessary to feed more light into the world. As much as the dark is trying to pull you in just keep staying focused on the spiritual journey. Do what you can with what means you have right now. Just help who ever needs it and know you are making a difference.

I wrote the above in January. It’s now March and the world has become a lot scarier. The nudge and message I’m getting is that PRAYER is needed. I’ve written before about a spark that lies within all of us. Well the world needs your fire. It’s time to WAKE UP and work your purpose. If you are someone who has felt numb, closed off, lost, stressed to the max then this is your clear sign…YOU NEED TO PRAY for GUIDANCE. Somehow, someway you are needed and you are being called to help. Don’t let the demands of the material world distract you from your true purpose. Trust your intuition and you will know when its a true sign. Don’t be afraid to leap and don’t stop until you feel peace because that’s when you know you found what you were looking for.

I’m naming this after a sign I got recently. I’ve been reading a book about strengthening yourself physically by including a spiritual mindset. I’m pretty strong mentally and spiritually but I struggle keeping a positive mindset with working out. 40+ has been challenging, its actually total BS women have to fight these hormones with all the other crap we deal with lol. Anyway, the book teaches to stop negative self talk, and to call on God when you are struggling to workout, eat well, etc. It’s helping me so I’m glad I found the book(which happened once I asked for a sign too 🙂 ) Anyway, one day in between my sets I started to have some thoughts and I stopped and prayed for God to give me the strength I need to deal with the situation. Just as I asked for strength , the next song played, the song was “Fight Song” and I felt the feeling that goes along with a sign. I knew this was the message. I’ve heard that song a million times but this time I paid close attention to the words. I kept hearing the word “fire” but she was actually singing the word “fight”. I don’t know, my hearing isn’t the best lol but it sparked an idea for this blog so it is meant to be.

So to be blunt….it’s time to put a fire under your ass and get to work 🙂. The world is a mess so whatever light you can add to it will make a change for the better. Pray, Believe and Trust Yourself. We literally need to fight the demons right now. Prayers for all of you to stay safe, healthy and strong❤


Friendship- focus on those who are good for your soul. Energy doesn’t lie so you will know who is wrong or right for you.

Peace- strive to find inner peace, it is key for balancing your life in all areas.

Always Believe…

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