I thank God for my gifts and for giving me the strength I need to keep going.  I ask my Angels to guide me as I write.  I hold the intent all of you will get motivated and move along with your purpose in life.

The energy is crazy right now but it is also slow and this will challenge all of us to push a little more so we can function properly.  Mercury is in retrograde for the next few weeks and this means everything slows down.  It causes things to break and our own energy will be lower which tends to make us feel very frustrated with life.  It’s a time to release any negative thought patterns so we can learn to live with a more positive attitude.  This is so important for your personal growth because negative thoughts hold you back from fulfilling your mission in life.

Tonight is about Getting Motivated.  I’ve been thinking about writing a blog but I’m not feeling the rush of energy I usually get so I’m forcing myself to write this one.  For the last few days I’ve been thinking about how much I still have to do for the walk in Nov and I’m trying my hardest so I don’t stress.  I know from past experiences if I just relax then everything works out on its own and I also look back and see my stress was a waste of time.  I saw a plate last year and it happened to be on a day when I allowed some stress into my life.  When we were driving the car in front of us had a plate with HV HOPE.  I took this as a sign then and the vision of the plate keeps coming into my mind for the last few days too.  I’m going to listen to the sign and I’m going to continue to have hope that everything will workout.  Whenever you feel down the Angels will send you signs over and over again to remind you to trust and believe things will workout as it is meant to.   It’s up to you if you want to pay attention to those signs.  It’s your free will and your right to choose how you wish to live your life.  If I choose to keep my thoughts of worrying about the walk then I will get myself stressed and this will just draw in more stress in other areas of my life.  However, if I choose to BELIEVE I will be given all of the help I need then I know this will draw in the people who are meant to be part of the walk.  It’s always mind over matter and faith is always your safety net.  So BELIEVING is the first step to getting yourself motivated to do the work.  The next would be WRITE IT DOWN- make a list of the things you wish to conquer.  I know I’m obsessed with lists but it just helps you stay focused and it is easier to eliminate stress.  Nothing is better than crossing things off of a to do list and feeling like you accomplished something.  Then you will need to DO the WORK- this is where I’m struggling with the walk because I’m feeling like I don’t have the time right now to do what I should be doing.  Sometimes when you can’t find the time it is because it’s not the right time.  There is divine timing for everything so if you are meant to be somewhere your soul will make sure you get there even if your conscious mind is unaware of it.  These are the times when something makes you get up and make a phone call or send an email.  Times when you make a last-minute decision to go somewhere and you end up meeting the perfect person who gives you the guidance you need.  However, sometimes if you should be doing something and you are avoiding it because of your own insecurities this is the time when you will not feel at peace.  Remember I told you happiness is a sign you are moving in the right direction and peace will always bring happiness too.  Peace is only found by listening to your heart.  The ego is what will feed your insecurities and the ego is based on fear.  So if you feel you need to be doing something but you can’t get yourself motivated to do it then just quiet your mind and fill it with positive thoughts.  It will lift your energy and then the Angels can get their guidance to you.  We can make our own decisions but we are always given guidance so never feel like you are alone in this world.  Always ask for anything you need even if it’s just some energy to get up and go that day.  We are all dealing with difficult lives and we all need support to keep going.  That’s why we have Angels and all we need to do is ask for help and the signs will come.  Remember they need your permission to intervene with your life because they respect that we have free will to do what we want.  Finally you will need to have HOPE- never give up because a matter of one minute could change your life forever.  Hope gives you something to look forward to and it’s a knowing that one day it will all be ok.  Hope is a spiritual vitamin that needs to be part of your life everyday.  It fills you with faith and it restores your heart so you can function peacefully.  Hope proves that a few bad days, months or years does not mean tomorrow can’t be better.  It’s what pushes you to keep fighting and it promises you better days ahead.  So when life feels overwhelming and you feel like giving up then hv hope so you can reach the day that you are able to look back and understand how HOPE never let you down..

Here are the cards Heathly Lifestyle- “eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep and exercise for optimal health- I know it’s hard but when you do this it does make a positive difference in your life- you need your mind, body and spirit to be on the same page if you wish to function at your best.  The next is All is Well- “everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to with hidden blessings you will soon understand kinda fits the blog too- we never know the whole picture to our life but the Angels always to and that’s why they will always send you the proper guidance so they can lead us to a path where we will find the most joy.- Trust it and you will not go wrong.

Always Believe…