The Colorful Way

I thank God for my gifts and for helping me choose the right path.   I ask my Angels to guide me as I write.  I hold the intent all of you will let your true colors take the lead and choose the right path for yourself.

I’m not sure how this one is going to flow.  I have the messages but it seems like there are multiple topics tied into the message so I will just write and see where the Angels take it.  I had some decisions to make last weekend. Making decisions is always challenging for me because I look at things from so many angles and I always do the “what if” non sense too.  “What if”  is the same as “no faith”.  It comes from fear so that will always tell you the ego is taking the lead and not your heart.  I spent a lot of time talking to my Angels and I asked for signs because I was feeling frustrated.  I was allowing fear to enter and I was getting myself stressed out.  I was mainly stressing about the walk but this lead to me questioning the Angels about why they are guiding me to do the things they tell me to do.  For the last few years I have been guided to publish books which has cost me thousands of dollars, expose myself as a medium and deal with messages I’d rather not know, write blogs that have pretty much forced me to tell my private life and now they are guiding me to organize a walk even though I have no experience and very little time to do it.  So I asked my Angels “What is going on?”.  I felt I needed to meditate on Sunday night and when I did I kept hearing ” all you need to do is believe” and “you are doing a great job thank you”.  When I was finished meditating I thought about those words and I realized I already know how the Power of Believing works and I already know I’m on the right path in my life so all I need to do at this point is to make the decision to stay on that path.  For me, if I were to choose the path of giving up the blog writing and canceling the walk I already know I won’t be happy.  If I choose to look at my books as an expensive hobby rather than a chance to use them to serve their purpose I will not be happy.  If I block the messages I really know I will not be happy because they will just drive me crazy.  So once again it was decision time for me and I chose to keep going as I have always done in the past.  Even though I feel somewhat like a puppet on a string that really has no idea why they are making me do these things I know in my heart they have their reasons.  Those reasons are for my best too.  I’m looking at if from the angle of this is how I’m living out my true colors.  This is who I am and even though I have not figured myself out totally they already know who I am and they know my potential so they just force me to do the things I can’t see in myself yet.

So I guess I will call this one Living Your True Colors.  So here is the deal about every human being on this planet.  We all have a colorful heart and soul.  However, some get a little lost in the darkness and only show what they want others to see.  This means they let fear take the lead on their path through life and they never let their colors shine.  Most of the time it’s because they don’t believe in themselves.  You are your worst enemy in this life because you are the only one who decides on which path to take.  Not one person in this world can force you to do anything you don’t want to do.  If you live thinking my life is like this because of …  think again because the choice is always yours on how you deal with everything in your life.  The choice is yours on how you wish to think, act and speak.  Once you make that decision then you will draw in exactly what you wished for yourself.  Just like me I can sit and question the Angels on why they are doing this to me but really I’m the one choosing to stress and they are telling just to believe and it will all make sense to me one day.  So my decision is to go on living out my true colors and be the positive person I wish to be. However, if you choose to live with the fear and negativity then you will just draw in that life for yourself.    Showing your true colors does not mean you need to be the perfect human either.  It’s actually the opposite its  living out who you are flaws and all.  It’s showing you have struggles in life just like everyone else.  It’s showing everyone how you deal with your struggles and how you continue on in life.  Your true colors are what inspire others to keep fighting their challenges because when they know there is someone else who understands it makes them feel better.  I’ve been blessed with the gift of understanding life for what it really is meaning I understand why there are tragedies and challenges for people. I’ve been blessed with a life of a loving family, nice home and great career.  Some people have even commented to me saying your life always seemed so good so how is it that you struggle.  I struggle because in this life I’ve been gifted with something people don’t understand.  There are no two people alike in this world so even though there are other mediums they don’t have the same experiences as me.  There are times I feel very alone in this world and that is why I communicate with Angels.  They are the only ones who truly get me.  I have many people who support me as a medium but they can’t ever fully understand me because they don’t deal with what I deal with.  However, I continue to choose to live out my true colors because I know that is the right path to take.  It challenges me but that is what life does and if you stay on the right path then you will be happy.  That’s why I chose to keep going with the blogs since I know the Angels are using me as an example so others can get inspired and feel like someone understands their struggles.  Does my ego like it?  Not at all but my heart knows it’s the right thing to do and when I function with my heart then I live happy.  So if you have struggles in life of any kind then just try your best to be yourself.  You may not be aware of who you truly are yet but just be the person you are right now and then as you allow your colors to shine through you will start to find your correct path.  You will draw in what you really wish for yourself in this life.  The life that makes you the happiest.  Once you find happiness then it’s easy to figure out what your next steps need to be.  A beautiful life is created by using the colors you have inside once you let them out then nothing can keep them from shining.  Allow them to show you the way.

The card is Prosperity “your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality” – message is the answers are always right in front of you so if you choose to listen then everything else will be provided by God.  Trust me this is very true.

Always Believe…

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